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Helpful Tips to Change Careers if You Think You Don't Have Time


Let’s be real. Things are uncertain right now. There isn’t much you can do about the economy or the job market but you can start creating options for yourself and your career. 

Look, we all have to decide how we will spend our time. Why not choose to spend some of your building your own future? 

  • Email a friend or work acquaintance to catch up. 
  • Email someone whose career you admire and ask for an informational interview. 
  • Read an article about a professional field that you’re interested in.
  • Brainstorm and write down careers that you’d love to have. It doesn’t matter how far-fetched they may seem, write them down!

  • Look at the “Careers” webpage for a company for which you'd like to work and see if there are any positions that you might be interested in. Print or save the positions that interest you.
  • Review your resume or LinkedIn profile to see if it needs to be updated. 
  • Update your LinkedIn profile’s headline
  • Read/listen to a chapter in a professional development book or listen to a podcast. 

  • Go back to the positions that you saved/printed in the 15-minute activity. Make notes or highlight the skills and experiences they have in common. 
  • Using the common skills noted above, rewrite a section of your resume to reflect the type of position to which you'd like to apply. 
  • Speak with someone in your prospective field for an informational interview. 
  • Rewrite your LinkedIn Summary section
  • For the bold! - Email an organization in your target field and offer to give a presentation on a topic on which you want to establish yourself as an expert.

  • Attend a virtual lunchtime workshop on a topic that you'd like to learn more about. 
  • Update your LinkedIn profile or resume. 
  • For the bold! - Give a presentation that will expand your professional brand and highlight your expertise.  

Tyche Tips

  • Look for small chunks of time in your schedule to fit in career transition activities, like reading an article about a job or industry that you’re interested in
  • Small, consistent actions led to BIG changes!
  • If you don’t make the time to work on your career transition, no one else will. DO YOU! 

P.S. If you’d like help on how to take the first step in your career transition, I can help! Get your free Tyche Career Change Roadmap here.


Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals