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How to Career Pivot During Uncertain Times



Even since the coronavirus outbreak, a sense of uncertainty has taken over our lives. 



Travel bans, restrictions over large gatherings, talks of recession, and the imposition of the mandatory 6-feet distance, can all make stress escalate with each passing day.


You have been forced to adjust to a new reality. You may feel greater concerns regarding work as well as the long-term impacts on the world economy. Companies going on a layoff spree may even cause you to feel the weight of unemployment.


It’s hard not to panic.


So what should you do?


Take stock of your financial situation



With companies going through layoffs and public places being shut down, it’s easy to see why finance should be your first and foremost priority.


You may not have a ton of savings lying around for something as unexpected as this, and it’s only natural to be anxious in the wake of calamity.


However, the best way forward is to be as financially proactive as you can....

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Why Branding Is Not Just for Companies and Celebrities in 2022



You’ve probably heard of people having a brand, but maybe you think it's a thing for celebrities and corporations.


That’s simply not true.


Everyone has a personal brand.



In fact, the question isn’t whether you have a personal brand. It’s whether you have a good and effective one.


So here's how to make your personal brand stand out.


What is personal branding and why is it important?


 Simply put, a personal brand is the skills and talents you are known for.



This could be through social media, a blog page, Linkedin, YouTube videos, Instagram reels, or just by being well-known in your local community.


A lot of people overlook personal branding, considering it a long shot to “become known” or that it’s not necessary or worthwhile.


While it is true that personal branding requires you to be consistent with your time and effort, the potential benefits of having a strong personal brand make the time spent well worth it.


From landing job inte...

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How to Know Which Career is Right For You: Your 2022 Tyche Career Research Guide


Remember when you were a kid and everyone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up?

For the longest time, I wanted to be the President of the United States.

I also wanted to be Claire Huxtable, the fierce attorney, wife, and mom on The Cosby Show.

(I STILL want to be Clair Huxtable…. I am an attorney, wife, and twin mom so I think that counts as progress, right?)

What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it?

If not, you’re in luck because you have another chance to decide what you want to be when you grow up!

Open your mind and let your imagination run wild because you’re about to go on a Career Discovery Journey.

Start with the research

Career research is something all of us do at least once in our lifetime. It is an exciting process that involves contemplating different career choices and imagining a future for ourselves.

 Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate, or professional, career research is something you will have to do. Most of us wi...

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6 Limiting Beliefs in Career and How to Overcome Them


I used to have a job that didn’t give me any happiness or fulfillment at all. 


My friends told me to take some time off or find a new hobby to take my mind off things. That worked for a while. But at some point, I found myself once again dragging my feet to work because I would rather be anywhere else but there and do anything else but my job. 


And yet, in spite of everything I was feeling, I was terrified to hand in my two weeks’ notice. 


What was my problem? 


A pretty common one. We’ve all been there. 


I had limiting beliefs. 


What are limiting beliefs?



Limiting beliefs are more than just a fear of something new. Limiting beliefs are the things we believe or hear about ourselves that stop us from reaching our full potential. 


So how do you know if you have limiting beliefs? 


Does this sound like you? 


  • You are frustrated and bored at your current job but are not taking any steps to leave it. 
  • You scroll for new jobs and positions for hou...
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Helpful Tips to Master the Art of Networking as an Introvert


Social interactions can be draining, intimidating, and unproductive. 


Add to that the stress of making it a business social interaction, where you’re expected to behave confidently, articulately, and graciously as well as represent your expertise and make those crucial connections….


…and that’s the nightmare of networking.



Is it even worth it? 


And if it is worth it, how is the introverted networker to survive? 


Is Networking Worth It?


Networking is all about socializing and communicating with people who have similar interests. It is about having meaningful conversations and exchanging valuable information in a friendly and professional way. 


The ideal woman for this seems like someone who is welcoming, confident, articulate, adapts well to new environments, and is energized by face-to-face interaction.


That is why extroverts are thought to be especially gifted at this.


So if you didn’t draw the lucky networking personality card, do you just thr...

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Wanting to Change Careers? Ask Yourself This Crucial Question First!


So. You’re planning to change careers. 


That’s a big step. 



But I also want you to succeed at it. So in reality, I’m actually here for you to change careers with a good reason for the action and a solid plan in place. 


First things first. 


As a career coach who works with women like you in this transitioning process every single day, I always ask my clients a simple question. And I want to ask you that question now:


Why do you want to change careers? 


While a lot of people consider changing careers sometime during their life, only a few actually pull it off in an intentional and well-planned way. You might decide to take the leap of faith and change careers but unless you’re clear about your motivation, you’re more likely to slack off when it gets tough or takes longer than you thought. 


And that’s what I want to help you figure out. 


Your Why is what will keep you going even when motivation wavers, when the going gets tough, and when you even secon...

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How to Use Your Transferable Skills to Get Your Dream Job


Changing careers is a big step. And one of the scariest parts of that transition process is the idea of starting over. 


You may feel like your past experience and work have been wasted because you’re starting from the beginning.


You’re a newbie in the field again. 


You don’t have as much to offer. 


And going from a high professional status back to square one can seem like a step in the wrong direction (even if it’s the job you’ve always wanted.) 


BUT, this isn’t actually true. 


All because of a little handy thing called transferable skills.


Transferable skills are the skills you’ve honed over the course of your previous career and that overlap with your new career. 


These skills are instrumental in helping you secure a role or position in your new field. 


By highlighting transferable skills, you showcase your expertise to potential employers and convince them that you’re a good fit for the job. 


Transferable skills give you an edge over others...

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How a Single Year Can Make a Difference in Your Life


A year ago I:

  • Woke up from a coma
  • Was on a ventilator with a breathing tube down my throat to help me breathe 
  • Was suddenly a mother of premature twin boys in NICU  whose photos I was afraid to look at because I was so afraid of losing them
  • Couldn’t walk, feed, or do other personal things for myself 
  • Woke up to terrifying ads about Chucky. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to leave my tv on the SciFi channel during the Halloween season?!


          (Yup, this one!)

But also a year ago today, I:

  • Won a battle against death by waking up from a freaking coma, surviving massive bleeding and multiple surgeries, and being put on a ventilator!!!!!! 
  • Had the breathing tube removed and was able to breathe on my own with the help of an oxygen tube
  • Was suddenly a mother of twin boys in NICU who were fighters, just like their mama. 
  • Woke up to an amazing amount of love and support from family and friends. 


So, why am I telling you this? Because you’re probably stron...

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How to Differentiate the Things You Should Say Yes and No To


If you are kind, generous, ambitious, driven, or perfectionistic…. (you know, like me), then you probably have the same problem I do.


You have a problem saying the word No.




Maybe you see the word “No” as something negative. Maybe you think it sounds mean or



Maybe you see it as your job to keep everyone happy all the time, and saying “No” sounds like the surefire way to disappoint them.


I had trouble saying “No” for years (thank you, lessons taught by my mother), especially when it came to protecting myself and my mental health.


In fact, I felt like I could only say no if it affected someone else’s happiness, so much so that I

would sometimes use it as an excuse.




I hear women saying things like, “So sorry, I can’t. I’m taking my kids to soccer practice that

day,” or “So so sorry, my husband asked me to pick him up from work that day.


It is, of course, totally fine to pass up doing something to spend time or help your kids or


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The Most Important Investment is You and Here's How To Invest In Yourself


We hear all the time about how we should “get into such-and-such investment”. Stocks, mutual funds, and crypto are all the rage just now (and not just for the financial gurus). Sometimes, it makes you want to just turn to that colleague and say: “Ugh! Shut up about Bitcoin already.”


I am not here to tell you to open up your investment accounts and get a broker (although, you may find that a good idea).


I’m here to let you in on an investment secret (that shouldn’t be a secret).




A secret that maybe not even that annoying coworker knows about (but would definitely change their life).


The most important life-changing investment of all is…. *drumroll please*




Okay, did that seem a little anti-climactic and clickbaity?


I understand.


You hear all the time about how you should practice self-care and take time to rest and invest in yourself and learn and grow and plant flowers and live in a house that looks like a Pinterest board and only cuddle w...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals